*Please note that ConfirmID registrations have been temporarily closed. We will update this article when ConfirmID is available again.
Elevate your profile by becoming a “Confirmed” member! Confirmed members receive more responses and are recognized as trusted individuals with a special checkmark next to their username. Follow these steps to get started:
- Navigate to “My Stuff”: In the navigation bar, hover over “My Stuff” and select “Edit My Profile.”
- Access “Get ConfirmID”: Within the “Update Profile” section, click “Get ConfirmID” to initiate the verification process.
- Complete Your Information: Ensure all personal information is accurately filled in, matching the details on your identification document.
- Select Your Identification Document: From the dropdown menu, choose your official document and enter the expiration date.
- Provide Your Identification Document (Front and Back):
- Take a Photo: If your device has a camera, select “Take a Photo” and position your identification document correctly. Click “Take Photo” button. Once satisfied with the photo, click “Save.” If necessary, you can “Retake” the photo until it meets your expectations.
- Upload a File: If your document is saved on your computer, click “Upload File”, navigate and select the appropriate file to upload.
- Review Your Submission: Carefully review the document you have provided. We have included examples of acceptable formats. If the document you provided is not satisfactory, you may delete it and start the process again.
- If the document you choose to provide requires the back of the identification document, please repeat the same steps from step 5. to step 6.
- Proceed to the next step by clicking “Next” button
- Complete Photo Verification: Provide a photo of yourself holding the identification document beside your face by following the same steps as outlined in Step 5. to Step 6. Please use the example we provide as a guideline.
- Submit Your Application: After completing the process, click “Next” to finalize your application.
- Await Approval: Your application will initially be in “Pending” status. Once reviewed, the status will be updated to “Approved” or “Denied.”
Note: You can add a new identification document at any time by clicking on the “Add ID” button and following the steps outlined above.
Let’s get you verified and take your profile to the next level!