Credit Card
Accepted card brands are Visa, Mastercard and Discover.
Please follow these steps to place credit card orders.
Note: Any pricing shown in the images are for illustrative purposes. To get actual pricing, please visit the website order page.
- When you get to the order page, please select a product you wish to purchase
- Select “Credit/Debit Card” as payment type, then fill in all the information on the screen
- Credit/Debit Card Information
- Card Number
- Card Holder Name
- Expiration Month
- Expiration Year
- Click “Continue” button
- Credit/Debit Card Information
- Billing Address
- Billing Address 1
- Billing Address 2
- City
- State
- Country
- Postal Code
- Billing Address
- Click “Order” button and wait for the “Thank you” page confirming your order. The “Thank you” page also provides your order receipt and shows you how the charges would appear in your bank statements.
Note: Pricing in the images are examples. Actual pricing will vary depending on promotions, discounts, your location, etc.
Checking Account
Checking account payment method (aka Bank transfer) is only available in the United States. This payment method takes up to 7-14 business days to process.
Please follow these steps to place a checking account order:
- When you get to the order page, please select a product you wish to purchase
- Select “Checking Account” as payment type, then fill in all the information on the screen
- Account Information
- Select “Checking” or “Savings” for “Account Type”
- First name
- Last name
- Phone number
- Account number (Can be found online at your bank or on the bottom of one of your checks)
- Routing number (Can be found online at your bank or on the bottom of one of your checks)
- Bank name
- Billing Address
- Billing Address 1
- Billing Address 2
- City
- State
- Country
- Postal Code
- Account Information
- Click “Order” button and wait for the “Thank you” page confirming that we received your order. It would take up to 7-14 business days to process the order.
Direct Debit
Bank transfer options is only available in certain EU regions. This payment method takes up to 7-14 business days to process.
Please follow these steps to place a Direct Debit order:
- When you get to the order page, please select a product you wish to purchase
- Select “Direct Debit” as payment type, then fill in all the information on the screen
- Direct Debit Info
- Name listed on your bank account
- Card number / IBAN
- Phone number
- Billing Address
- Address
- City
- State
- Country
- Postal Code
- Direct Debit Info
- Click “Order” button and wait for the “Thank you” page confirming that we received your order. It would take up to 7-14 business days to process the order.
Gift Card
Gift Card payment option is only available in US. This payment method takes up to 7-14 business days to process.
Please follow these steps to place a Gift Card order:
- When you get to the order page, please select a product you wish to purchase
- Select “Gift Card” as payment type, then fill in all the information on the screen
- Click “Use Gift Card Now”. Please note that this would take you to a 3rd party site to continue the process.
- Select the gift card brand you wish to use, then fill in the gift card details.
- Enter the card number of the gift card
- Enter the pin number of the gift card
- Click “Check Balances” button to see how much you have on your card
- Review your order and enter your email address. You will get order confirmation sent to this email address.
- Click on “Place your order”.
This is an E-Wallet payment option which is only available in certain countries for 3 months and 12 months membership orders.
Please follow these steps to place a AirTM order:
- When you get to the order page, please select a product you wish to purchase
- Select AirTM as payment type
- Click the “Order” button. This will redirect you to a 3rd party site.
- Login to AirTM with either Facebook, Google or Email address
- Confirm your purchase. Then click “submit”.
Cash / Check / Money Order
We accept mail in orders. Money Orders, Cashiers’ Checks and Checks are accepted only in USD.
Please follow these steps to place a mail in order:
- Select the country you will be sending your payment from, then click Print.
- Fill in the details then print this page.
- Phone number (required)
- Special Instructions (optional)
- Print out the the page and mail it to:
P.O. Box 111750
Campbell, CA 95011, USA.
This is a phone payment type and is only available in United Kingdom and Great Brittan.
Please follow these steps to place a SMS order:
- When you get to the order page, please select a product you wish to purchase
- Select pay by Mobile payment
- Text the verbiage to the number you see on the screen (note that the number you are texting is only 5 digits long)
- Respond with “yes” to the text messages you are sent confirming the amount to be added to your cell phone bill. If you don’t respond to one or all of the text, then your membership will only be partially upgraded or not at all