Report Spam Emails
- You can report Spam emails by clicking on the box next to the message(s) containing Spam.
- Click the “Mark as Spam” icon in the header (exclamation point).
- Click on the ‘Yes” button to report the user for sending spam. The conversation will be deleted from your Message Center and the user will automatically be added to your Blocked Members List.
Blocking Members
- Click on the message of the member you want to block.
- Click on the 3 dots in the message toolbar above the message box.
- Click “Block”.
- Click the “Yes” button to add the member to your block list so they can no longer send messages to your Message Center.
Report Abuse
- Click on the message of the member you want to block.
- Click on the 3 dots in the message toolbar above the message box.
- Click “Report”.
- An overlay is displayed. Select the reason for your abuse report from the drop down menu.
- Type any additional comments in the message box.
- Click the “Submit” button to report the member to our abuse team.